What happens if that DREAM job you have been chasing, ends up being a NIGHTMARE


Our Associate Director has seen a number of promotions on LinkedIn which is fantastic.....but......Whether it is a new job or a promotion, there might be situations where you question the move you have made:


 Extra stress
 Not ready for the additional responsibility
 Worried about your mental health by pretending everything is ok
 Prefer to go back to what you were doing


So what do you do about the situation..........well everyone is different, and you need to treat your own personal circumstances uniquely.


 Maybe that 'Dream Role' has affected your 'Dream Lifestyle' - look at your life with a wider perspective - go and do something different


 You could Persevere; you accepted the role as you believed in your abilities and capabilities to perform otherwise you wouldn't have accepted the position


 Possibly, you might discuss with mentors the areas in which you are struggling and seek their wisdom in ways in which I could improve my management or approach it differently to achieve outcomes.


 You could make the brave move to approach your boss with the struggles and shortcomings in the role you are facing to allow them to help support you, coach, and perhaps manage some of the workload as you transition - I would tread with caution with this point, it is essential you have the right Manager/Leader to approach.


Most people can stretch to the next zone if they can get the right help. Not asking for help is the worst thing


Would love to hear thoughts and comments from my network - have you ever been in this situation and what did you do ?


It is not always possible, but we should try and treat Failure as:










#leadership #promotion #dreamjobs #strugglesatwork #recruitment