Changes have happened........what does that mean for you?


Changes have happened........what does that mean for you?



⚫ Sunday just gone, the government payments reduced to 60% towards salaries, with employers paying 20%.


⚫ As the scheme winds down, the support is slowly being made less generous. Since 1 July, employers have been asked to contribute 10% towards the wages of furloughed workers for hours their staff do not work.


⚫ That amount has now risen to 20% during August and September.

The British Chamber of Commerce surveyed 250 businesses, with 18% telling the chamber they were likely to make staff redundant in response to the change to furlough.

About 1.9m workers were on furlough, down from a peak of 5.1m in January.

The government said 11.6 million jobs have been supported since the Job Retention Scheme launched in April 2020.

The scheme is due to close at the end of September.


 Start thinking about your job security - many business are hiring right now, ensure you have a strategic plan in place in case your firm makes you redundant.


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